USA Today & Wall Street Journal
Best-selling Author
On Location
*In 2019, Johnny Welsh was nominated for the
Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame*
“Love, education, and a splash of humor will get us through…”
Are you curious about the legalization of marijuana and what it might mean for your state? Don’t miss your chance to learn the good, the bad, and the funny from the first state to pass the law.
A young couple creates a fun way to stay connected by disconnecting. This travel adventure quickly turns into a self-deprecating comedy about bad smartphone habits.
We provide these writing prompts to help you inspire students during these difficult times. Many of the prompts may be used in several grades.
*In 2019, Johnny Welsh was nominated for the Colorado Authors’ Hall of Fame*
“Love, education, and a splash of humor will get us through…”

★★★★★ – “Paper maps, no apps is a fun read that will keep you laughing as you travel along the road with this tech-free couple” ~the nerdy girl express
★★★★★ – “through their journey you’ll… rethink your life, wish you were on a beach with a cold beer, think about great times you’ve had with friends…”
~summit Daily news