by Johnny Welsh | Aug 13, 2019 | Bartending, News, Travel Journal, Twisted Topics
It was a packed house at The Next Page Book Store in Frisco, Colorado. What a great party. Thanks to all who stopped by to show their support.
by Johnny Welsh | May 27, 2019 | Bartending, Travel Journal
The May 2019 surf trip was a great success. It was the largest showing yet. There were about a dozen beginners and a dozen experienced surfers this year. Some crazy folks set the bar high by dressing up the Cardiff Kook in a kayak this year.
by Johnny Welsh | Apr 23, 2019 | Bartending, Travel Journal
That’s rigth, it’s an encore. We are gearing up for another road trip. This will be the same route that inspired the book, Paper Maps, No Apps. This time I will have copies of the book with me and I can hand them out to the characters that are in the book....
by Johnny Welsh | Jan 25, 2019 | Bartending
I’m so happy to say that the past week of bartending was great for book sales. Each shift that I worked, I sold out of all the books that I brought with me. I met some amazing folks and the stories are still flying!
by Andrew Benteau | Jan 24, 2019 | Bartending
Johnny Welsh up on stage in Miami for the Readers’ Favorite International Book Award for humor/non-fiction for his book, Weedgalized in Colorado: True Tales From the High Country.
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